民营公司 150-500人 计算机软件
民营公司 150-500人 计算机软件
Introduction Beijing obeier Software Technology Development Co., Ltd. 北京欧倍尔软件技术开发有限公司是一家民营企业,将石油与化工行业的计算机仿真技术、虚拟现实技术、网络技术的开发与推广应用作为核心经营业务。致力于国内外各大高校、职校、科学研究院及工厂的石油化工相关领域仿真软件及仿真硬件平台的开发和技术服务。 Beijing obeier Software Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise, the development and application of computer simulation technology, virtual reality technology, network technology in petroleum and chemical industry as the core business. Dedicated to domestic and foreign universities, schools, scientific research institute and factory oil chemical engineering simulation software and simulation hardware platform development and technical services. 北京欧倍尔软件技术开发有限公司是一家民营企业,将石油与化工行业的计算机仿真技术、虚拟现实技术、网络技术的开发与推广应用作为核心经营业务。致力于国内外各大高校、职校、科学研究院及工厂的石油化工相关领域仿真软件及仿真硬件平台的开发和技术服务。 The main technical team is set up in University of Science & Technology China professor Chen Zonghai under the leadership of Chen Zonghai, director of China (, executive director of the Institute of automation, Chinese Association for system simulation, system simulation Professional Committee of China Association of Automation China Computer Users Association vice chairman of simulation machine branch. Ren "Journal of system simulation" "chemical automation and instrumentation" "computers and Applied Chemistry" "computer simulation" magazine editorial board. The Textbook Compilation Committee member). Dr. technology personnel 2 people, master 5 people, the rest are undergraduate. The company completed the dynamic chemical simulation model base on Prof. Chen's leadership, and developed the computer simulation training software has its own intellectual property rights. 公司主要技术团队是在中国科学技术大学陈宗海教授的带领下组建的(陈宗海,中国自动化学会理事,中国系统仿真学会常务理事,中国自动化学会系统仿真专业委员会主任,中国计算机用户协会仿真机分会副理事长。任《系统仿真学报》《化学自动化与仪表》《计算机与应用化学》《计算机仿真》刊物编委。教材编审委员会委员).技术人员中博士2人,硕士5人,其余均为本科。公司在陈教授的带领下完成了动态化工仿真模型库,并开发形成了自有知识产权的计算机仿真培训软件。 We adhering to the "sincere, professional, innovation, win-win" business philosophy. In providing high quality products and service for the user simulation technology at the same time, also concerned about the user's application, we will realize the definition of technology products and services to achieve customer value enterprise value, through the application demands of users to achieve also continuously upgrade the level of 我们秉承“真诚、专业、创新、共赢”的经营理念。在为用户提供高质量的仿真技术产品和服务的同时,也同样关注用户的应用,我们将企业自身价值的实现定义为技术产品和服务对用户价值的实现,通过满足用户的应用需求来实现也起技术水平的不断提升。